I’m a Cobblestone


Ships over the centuries have had to carry ballast for stability on the journey. It was so important that to venture on to the high seas without it would be perilous.

It would only take the unpredictable weather and the ship, crew and cargo would meet their fate.

Centuries ago the ballast used was cobblestone. These would then be unloaded and a secondary use was found for them.  They were used around the docks and streets of the towns to pave the roads and paths.

So the primary use of the stones was to transport the ship safely to its destination. But the stones were not discarded as if they had served their purpose; no, another use was found which would fin them serving a purpose for centuries to come.

So a parable for us? Jesus takes us ‘on board’ as Christians so we can carry and help people on their journey of life and keep them safe from harm.  But Jesus doesn’t just want us to help short term, our involvement is never finished.  Like the stones we may have a completely different role to play at some stage.

This could be a real challenge for us because it is so different. Something that we are just not used to doing.

We may not be aware of how important our role is, like the stones in the pavement, but without the stones life’s journey would be more difficult for those who trudge along each day.

And if you think you don’t really matter in Christ’s plan for us all? What would happen if each stone said, I’m not necessary?  We wouldn’t have our lovely pavements today.

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