Recently we celebrated the feast of our own very own saint in Mary Mackillop. She has been given the saintly title of Mary of the Cross.
Although many of us would still call her Mary Mackillop with great respect and affection.
We have journeyed with her for many years while waiting and hoping that one day it would happen – our very own Australian saint.
I, personally, have a very strong connection to the Brown Josephites because my cousin – Mary Morley was a Josephite. And the extra claim I have was that she was my godmother. She also wrote one of the earlier books on the life of Mary.
My sister lives in Waverton in Sydney and she is only a five minute walk from the Josephite house where the tomb of Mary lies in state. So it is always a pleasant walk to visit the tomb, have a coffee and buy some more miniature palm crosses.
Mary had amazing trust in the providence of God. No matter how bad things became for her she knew God had a way through it all, even when she was excommunicated from the Church she trusted in God to show her a way.
This is the one thing I ask of her each day that no matter what happens in my day – that God would find a way . . . . I haven’t arrived there yet!
I would also petition her to help our farmers, that we will respond generously and that God will end the drought.
What would you like her to help you with in your life?
Fr Michael Morley