Homily – 4th Sunday of Lent

Homily 22 March4th Sunday of Lent

22 March 2020


At this time we struggle to understand the impact the Corona Virus will have on our parish, our community, our country and even our faith. Our readings today help us to realise that we need to have faith and to live in the light of our Lord.

In our first reading today, we hear how God’s plans are not limited by human perception. God sent Samuel to anoint a new King that He had chosen from one of Jesse of Bethlehem sons. Seven times Jesse presented one of his sons, but each time they were rejected. David, Jesse’s youngest son was attending to the sheep and was not initially presented to Samuel. Samuel asked Jesse to bring this son to him, as he was one chosen by God to be the new King. Why the younger son? Because God is able to see beyond appearances, which can often fool human eyes. This is summed up in verse 7 “…for the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

Our second reading Paul reminds us that God has brought us out of the darkness, that Christ is the light that illuminates our lives. “…live as children of light, for the effects of the light are seen in complete goodness and right living and truth.” At this time in the world and during this season of Lent, we should make an effort to remain and live in Christ, the light of our salvation.

In today’s Gospel we hear how a blind man is healed and in the face of opposition, comes to faith by seeing Jesus as his saviour. The lessons which we must take away from today’s reading to be obedient to what Jesus wants us to do and we must be consistent with our words, faith, convictions, and the truth.

During this season of Lent and this period of uncertainty we are encouraged to allow God to shape our vision, to admit we cannot always see God’s will or His blessings. When we can recognise our own limitations and needs then we can begin to recognise the wonder of God and what God’s will is for us.


In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.



Fr John Paul Pasala

Parish Priest

Sacred Heart Tatura

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