Homily – 6th Sunday of Easter – 17 May 2020

Today is the sixth Sunday of Easter. In last week’s Gospel Jesus reflected on two understandings of his going away and return:

First, his going away in death and his reappearance three days later as risen, Lord.

Second, his final departure to the father, to return only at the end of time.

Our first reading  we encounter the efforts the disciples of Christ are making in order to bear testimony to the risen Lord. Through their efforts, the Samaritans received their Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. On this day, Peter performed his episcopal function by laying hands upon the new converts.

In the second reading, Peter encouraged us to have reverence for Christ.

As far as the non-believing world is concerned, Jesus will simply have ceased to exist.

Believers, however, will continue to see him with the eyes of faith and experience his presence in this way.

As we are a couple of weeks away from Pentecost, next week we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord and followed week by Pentecost Sunday,

In today’s gospel, Jesus promises us the Holy Spirit, the Advocate. In loving Jesus and keeping his commandments, they will participate in the mutual love that unites father and son. And Jesus speaks of another Paraclelte’ whom he will ask the Father to give. A Paraclete means someone who stands beside a person in time of difficulty, a supportive and encouraging presence, the presence of the Holy Spirit who always guides us and strengthens us in our weakness.

It is also, a command to love both God, and our neighbour (Luke 10, 25-27). When we do these, we are certainly preaching the good news of truth. The Holy Spirit will come to strengthens us in the way of truth. He will also come to confirm that indeed, we are sons and daughters of God.


In the face of the world’s hostility and doubt, the ‘Spirit of truth’ will offer reassurance that what they believe and seek to live by is the most profound truth.

As we continue to celebrate Holy Mass we pray for our intentions, our families and Parishioners throughout this situation of the Coronavirus pandemic and prayers and solidarity have been with you all, we work together for the comment good of our community.

So, let us pray: Come, O Holy Spirit, and renew the face of the earth, Alleluia.


Fr John Paul Pasala

17 May 2020


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