Homily – 3rd Sunday of Easter – 26 April 2020

Alleluia! the risen Christ is with Us

Readings: 1st: Acts 2: 14.22-33; Ps: 15: 1-2. 5-11; 2nd: 1Pt 1: 17-21; Gos: Lk 24: 13-35)

My Dear Brothers and Sisters

On this third Sunday of Easter, we continue to appreciate God’s love for us. Today our Readings have one common theme and that is that no matter what happens in our lives, the risen Jesus is always with us. During this time of COVID-19, we could forget that Jesus is always with us.  We just need to remember that God is always near to those who seek Him and who want to live in His presence, doing His will.

In the first reading of this Sunday, after the Pentecostal experience, Peter continues to bear witness to the risen and glorified Christ. He argues that, since it was impossible for Christ to be held captive by death, so it is equally impossible for us, whom Christ has ransomed with his precious blood to remain captives. This is because, we share in Christ’s new life. Now, we abide in his presence.

In the second reading, Peter calls us to live a life that is worthy of our new state through the resurrection of Christ. In order words, if God is truly our father, we must try to live holy lives, because: “Those who call upon the name of the Lord, must depart from iniquity” (II Tim 2, 19). It is a life of witness, and one that shows that Christ truly alive in us.

Today’s gospel draws our attention to very important aspects of our Christian life. That is, the liturgy of the Word, and that of the Body and Blood of Christ (The Holy Eucharist). It is important to note the sequence of activities on this journey to Emmaus. First, Christ illuminated the minds of his disciples with scriptures (liturgy of the Word): “Then starting with Moses…, he explained to them the passages through the scriptures about himself.”

Second, Christ celebrated the liturgy of his own body and blood (the Eucharist) with them: “While he was still with them at table, he took the bread, and said the blessing; then he broke it, and gave it to them.” Afterwards, something very important happened: “…Their eyes opened, and they recognized him…” It is important to note that, it was only after these two important celebrations, that these disciples recognized Christ their master.

The celebration of the Eucharist with his disciples, underscores the importance of Christ’s injunction: “Do this in memory of me.” Indeed, he has ransomed and given us new life through his paschal mystery. Yet, in order to sustain and nourish this new life, He left us himself in these two important liturgies of the Holy Mass (Word and Eucharist). Hence, the saying: “Liturgy is Life!” This means that, if we forget these liturgies celebrated by Christ himself, we forget our new life in him.

Christ did this today to remind us that each time we celebrate these liturgies worthily, He opens our eyes, in order to recognize his divine presence with us. Through the breaking of bread in memory of Him, He nourishes our life, and makes it new every day.

Therefore, at Mass, we recognize Christ every day, and renew our life in Him. This is because, Christ at Mass, offers himself again, as a precious ransom for the renewal of our own life. Therefore, let us ask Christ to always open the eyes of our minds, so that we may recognize Him during every Eucharistic celebration.

 Alleluia, the risen Christ is with us!

In the name of the Father and of Son and of the Holy Spirit


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