Posts Categorized: Homily

Homily – Pentecost Sunday – 31 May 2020

Today is Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost is a feast which occupies a very important and prominent position in the Church’s history and liturgical calendar. This is because it serves as the bridge between Easter Season and Ordinary Time of the year. The first reading of this Sunday tells the story of how Christ eventually fulfilled his… Read more

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Homily -The Ascension of the Lord – 24 May 2020

Today we are celebrating the feast of the Ascension of the Lord. Each Sunday we profess in the creed, He Ascended into Heaven. Christ Ascension is culmination of God’s divine plan for Jesus. His return to his father with his Mission accomplished. All the work of Jesus had done for us and for our salvation,… Read more

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Homily – 6th Sunday of Easter – 17 May 2020

Today is the sixth Sunday of Easter. In last week’s Gospel Jesus reflected on two understandings of his going away and return: First, his going away in death and his reappearance three days later as risen, Lord. Second, his final departure to the father, to return only at the end of time. Our first reading… Read more

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Homily – 5th Sunday of Easter – 10 May 2020

On this 5th Sunday of Easter, in a special way, the Church reminds us of who we are: “The chosen race and the royal priesthood, who would be and reign with Christ. Today we have gathered to exercise our royal priesthood by offering a spiritual sacrifice as Christ did. In today’s first reading, the drama that unfolded led… Read more

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Homily – 4th Sunday of Easter – 3 May 2020

Good Morning Everyone Homily For 4th Sunday Of Easter (Good Shepherd), Year A, Christ Our Good Shepherd Cares For Us Gos Jn 10: 1-10) On this fourth Sunday of Easter, the church celebrates Christ the Good Shepherd. We continue to rejoice because, He is the one that leads us through the difficult paths of life…. Read more

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Homily – 3rd Sunday of Easter – 26 April 2020

Alleluia! the risen Christ is with Us Readings: 1st: Acts 2: 14.22-33; Ps: 15: 1-2. 5-11; 2nd: 1Pt 1: 17-21; Gos: Lk 24: 13-35) My Dear Brothers and Sisters On this third Sunday of Easter, we continue to appreciate God’s love for us. Today our Readings have one common theme and that is that no matter what happens in our lives, the… Read more

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Homily – 2nd Sunday of Easter – 19 April 2020

2nd Sunday Of Easter (Divine Mercy) –  His Mercy Endures Forever, Alleluia, Jn 20: 19-31  Today is the second Sunday of Easter. It is and also, the Divine Mercy Sunday. On this special Sunday, the Church continues to delight in the joy the risen Christ. As we celebrate today in lockdown we should view this… Read more

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Homily – Easter Sunday – 12 April 2020

Easter Sunday – Year A Christ Our Lord Is Risen Today: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!,Gos Jn 20: 1-9) Dear brothers and sisters Christ Our Lord is risen today! Alleluia! Alleluia!! Dear friends, last year on this day we were very happy and joyful wishing each other, greeting our family and friends, hugs and high-fives, so on,… Read more

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Homily – Palm Sunday – 5 April 2020

Palm/Passion Sunday, Year A Hosanna To Our King Who Comes In Glory Readings: (Mt 21:1-11); 1st: 50: 4-7; Ps 21: 8-24; 2nd: Phil 2:6-8; Gos: Mt 26:14 26:66)              Today is Palm Sunday. On this Sunday, the Church celebrates the triumphant entry of Christ into Jerusalem in order to accomplish his Paschal Mystery. Today, all the… Read more

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